Thank you for taking the challenge!
Please consider the following scenario:
It is Daniel’s first day back at school after a three-day suspension for physically assaulting another child. As you are attempting to deliver a lesson Daniel is paying you little attention and, rather, is pulling faces at his fellow students in an apparent attempt to make them laugh. Later, when students are meant to be completing work set by you, Daniel repeatedly calls out to other students, before getting out of his chair and wandering the classroom, distracting his peers by asking to see what they are doing.
For the next part it is helpful to have a pen or pencil and paper.
Imagine you are the teacher in this scenario. Using the scale provided, please write down the number that corresponds with how likely you would be to manage Daniel’s behaviour in each of the ways described below:
Warn Daniel that if his behaviour continues he will be removed from the classroom:
- ……………………………….. Extremely Unlikely
- ……………………………….. Very Unlikely
- ……………………………….. Unlikely
- ……………………………….. Neither
- ……………………………….. Likely
- ……………………………….. Very Likely
- ……………………………….. Extremely Likely
Warn Daniel that if his behaviour continues he will be sent to the principal:
- ……………………………….. Extremely Unlikely
- ……………………………….. Very Unlikely
- ……………………………….. Unlikely
- ……………………………….. Neither
- ……………………………….. Likely
- ……………………………….. Very Likely
- ……………………………….. Extremely Likely
Take Daniel aside and have a conversation with him about what you think is the reason for his behaviour and how he can focus better in class:
- ……………………………….. Extremely Unlikely
- ……………………………….. Very Unlikely
- ……………………………….. Unlikely
- ……………………………….. Neither
- ……………………………….. Likely
- ……………………………….. Very Likely
- ……………………………….. Extremely Likely
It is important to be honest.
Now, click here to find out more about Daniel.